I produced this video for Jose Chameleone through iKind Media. It was tricky getting access to Ushaka Marine World and surrounds but I managed to make a deal which involved us casting a Miss Ushaka finalist for the video and shooting in the early morning before the park opened. This was tricky because we only had one day to shoot and we also wanted to get shots on the beach in the early morning so that we could get backlit water splashes. It was tight, but we got it done before the sun was too high and the park opened. Although Devin Carter shot most of the video, I did shoot some of the Riksha shots, as well as the cloud timelapse and palm shot in the beginning of the video. These were taken out of my archives with the clouds being shot in the Karoo, and the palm tree shot coming from a shoot I did in Barbados. The joy of stock footage! Hopefully by the time this is read the video has finally reached a million views.
PRODUCER: Jacobus van heerden        director: matt nefdt       d.o.p: devin carter